Full Covered Carton Box is often preferred for the transport and stacking of heavy products. By using the full lid in the box, the strength of the sleeve is increased. With the full cover box, stacking and storage of the product prevents the collapse of the container and increases the durability of choline. Thanks to this system, you can stack your heavy products sideways and sideways.
Full cover boxes are also preferred in narrow width products. Because if we apply a standard cover for narrow products, breakage of the box caps can occur. This causes problems in closing and packaging of the box. For example, a product with an outer dimension of 15 cm will have a cover of 7.5 + 7.5 cm. This can cause problems such as bending and breaking during the joining of the caps. For such products, we recommend a full-cap carton.
The cover dimensions of the full cover boxes are the same as the width of the box. The width of our sleeve is about every cm. 40 * 30 * 40 dimensions of our cover with a full cover of our cover is 40cm. Full cover box covers the outer covers of the box on top of each other and these covers close the box as is. B + C wave and E + B wave are called double corrugated cardboard.
Each box is produced according to the demands of our customers. The desired size, printing and cutting are applied in the boxes.